Oats – food that feeds the muscles

The speed of life in the 21st century has resulted in more and more people turning to fast food and instant meal solutions. However, there is an equally quick and instant healthier solution hidden in the tiny grain of an indestructible champion of healthy eating. As you can imagine, it’s oats.

Oats are the perfect choice, both for nutrition of athletes and recreational sportspeople after training, as well as for anyone who wants to feel good and be upbeat during the day. This complete food contains both carbohydrates and proteins, so in the right combination with fruit, it is an excellent meal after physical activity, because it has an invigorating, anti-inflammatory and antihypoxic effect. Oats contain more protein than most other cereals, and their composition includes important amino acids such as: arginine, leucine, isoleucine, tryptophan, phenylalanine and tyrosine. These amino acids, combined with proteins from dairy products or whey protein, affect the growth and development of muscle mass, invigorate and relax the body, and are therefore beneficial for the health of the nervous system. Vitamin B and magnesium from oats provide maximum muscle utilization without spasms and inflammation, and contribute to muscle relaxation.

In addition to all these benefits, oats have another great advantage, namely this superfood is the basis of a quick, tasty and healthy morning meal. Below is a recipe for a delicious and healthier breakfast based on oats.


Smoothie, 300ml yogurt (skyr or protein), 100g strawberries, 1 banana, turmeric on top of a teaspoon, a small dice of ginger, a pinch of salt, oat flakes, 3 raw dates or a tablespoon of honey.


People intolerant to dairy products can use whey protein in combination with water and vegetable milk as an alternative for yogurt.


In a blender, first pour liquid (yogurt or vegetable milk + whey protein), then add banana, strawberries, ginger, turmeric, dates or honey and oat flakes. Blend everything together and keep it in the fridge until workout. Drink immediately after the workout.

I hope you will try this perfect meal tomorrow and give us your impressions. 😊

Dragana Miljković Andonov
Senior nutritionist – dietician